

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! It is my desire that Christians around the world will come together in these last days around our savior Jesus Christ! To many times we allow secondary doctrines to divide us and misunderstand each other based on false information. Yes Later Day Saints are Christians and reach out their arms to the rest of the body of Christ to bring unity among believers. By starting this blog it is my sincere desire to help bring understanding to Christians in the Later day saints church of a group of Christians that I was a part of and served as a Pastor for 27 years, and at the same time share with those outside of the Mormon Church an open truthful description of the Church I now am a part of.

    1. Just read your article. I'm so happy for you. Thanks for what you and your wife do! This is a fan saying Hi from Nashville, TN.

  2. We are so excited! Our book, "Its True" is now printing and will be available in just days. We are believing that this little book will be used to touch the lives of many who are seeking truth around the world. When I was growing up, we used to sing a chorus in church that simply said, "Little is much when God is in it." We are expecting great things and sense the Spirit in the release of this book!

  3. Wow! Tom, I just finished your book... Truly inspired work for these times. You have helped me remember how truly blessed we are! With my amazing wife, 5 healthy kids and the fullness of the gospel. I was born and raised in the LDS church and I have had my own journey to truth through this life so far and it was only a few years ago that I finally understood this great plan. After so many trials and selfishness, I have been blessed in truth. My Heart and mind are so full with the spirit and we do have the best thing on earth here! Everyone should have this fullness, this light and the type of oneness that only this type of family can bring. I know this work will help open the hearts and minds to the truth and the spirit will be able to touch them in a special way. I know this because I felt this in my own reading.

    You have helped strengthen my testimony and the spirit has testified in me of this great work.

    Thank you!

  4. What a remarkable message for members of all christian faiths. I was extremely moved by the sincerity and openness of this book. I believe if we will face life with an open heart, that God will lead us to where he needs us most, and to that place where we can be of greatest service in his work. I am LDS, but I associate and have dear friendships with Christians of all faiths. I love these friends. I see the good in their lives and their sincere desire they have to love and serve others and follow Jesus Christ. They are remarkable examples of goodness, love, faith, and service in a world full of rising selfishness, fear, and hatred. I believe more than ever as Christians, we must stand shoulder to shoulder to defend the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I appreciated very much the tone of this book, and the appreciation of Christians of all faiths in our quest for truth. I think this is at the very heart of Christianity, and it is this sense of understanding and respect that will allow us to come together as defenders of faith, no matter what our denomination may be. Thank you for sharing your story so freely. I hope people will read with an open heart. Your story is inspiring.

  5. As the message of "It's True" begins to make it's way across the country, Maggie and I are praying that a great Spirit of Unity will begin to come over the entire body of Christ! There is so much to be done in our nation and as the scriptures says: "Blessed are they that dwell together in unity". I am asking you to join Maggie and I in believing for barriers to be broken down and freedom to reign in the hearts and minds of all Gods children.

  6. This is the first book, besides scripture and text books, that I have read and finished since high school. (My studies in Chemical Engineering keep me very busy.) It was great! I was hooked and had to finish it in one sitting. Like Tom I consider myself a lover of truth and to read about his journey reminded me just how important of a role truth plays in our life. As well as the sacrifice, sincerity, and openness that is required to obtain it. I hope that everyone can read this book and have hate replaced with love, closed mindedness replaced with openness, and rumor replaced with true understanding.

  7. Tom, I just finished reading your book with a friend who you so kindly gave a free copy to. I really enjoyed your story and you have come a long way! I am very inspired by what you went through and the testimony you bore. Thanks for sharing your story with us!

  8. As many of the voices of my evangelical friends are starting to affect my testimony and cause me to reconsider my faith, I do appreciate the unity you offer. Thank you. I want to believe that we seriously all can be the body of Christ.

  9. Met & spoke with you at Costco (Mon 8/13/12). My wife read your book that night or the next day. I read it Wed. night.

    I'm inspired by your story! Sherlene is asking me to buy another copy to send to our Rabbi friend in New Rochelle, NY. We lived nearby in White Plains, NY for nearly 15 years.

    One of my many favorites is your wife's frequent pick-me-up, "God has a plan." And especially, "Oh, yea, and this is a surprise to God...He probably won't be able to handle this one."

    Dan (and Sherlene) Bartholomew

    P.S.: The retired BYU religion professor whose name you may have heard from Br. Robert Millet is Roger Keller.
